The film Captain Phillips, inspired by the true story of the hijacking of a container ship and the kidnapping of its captain by Somali pirates, may seem the ideal viewing choice for a long plane journey. But for Bertrand Monnet, professor of criminal risk management, it was too close to reality for comfort.
“I watched it then thought maybe that wasn’t such a good idea,” he says. The professor of criminal risk management was on his way to the port city of Hobyo, Somalia – a hotspot of piracy, where he would have 38 bodyguards. Three weeks earlier, two UN representatives had taken the same journey and been killed on arrival.
“I watched it then thought maybe that wasn’t such a good idea,” he says. The professor of criminal risk management was on his way to the port city of Hobyo, Somalia – a hotspot of piracy, where he would have 38 bodyguards. Three weeks earlier, two UN representatives had taken the same journey and been killed on arrival.
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